A comprehensive guide to soil testing: everything you need to know to get started

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Data sources

Data sources

The need to observe nature and phenomena occurring on the globe means that more and more data and information are being produced and accessed. The ability to use them is Knowledge, and this is what we use at MeteoTrack Agro.

Data sources used

MeteoTrack has developed ...

… proprietary weather algorithms using worldwide data sourced from selected sources to ensure high quality performance.

[noun-binoculars-1236068 1.svg]

Meteorological observation stations

[noun-weather-station-radar-4734122 1.svg]

Meteorological measuring stations

[noun-math-1053052 1.svg]

Meteorological numerical models

[noun-algorithm-3693601 1.svg]

Post-processing algorithms and formulas

[noun-layers-4734319 1.svg]

Geoinformation systems

[noun-anemometer-1133 1.svg]

Local measuring systems


Geological stations

[noun-satellite-5146594 1.svg]






We are the few who can take full advantage of the boon of so many databases and sources serving them in real time

In the server rooms of the Science Centers, the...

... complex modeling systems are launched, research work is conducted. The vast majority of this data relates to the weather and is processed for it, aggregated, recalculated, sorted and filtered becoming information.

Both of these areas, in the form of data and information, are the domain of machines, while the ability to use them is Knowledge remaining in the competence of people.

The MeteoTrack Agro team is made up of scientists, experts and practitioners who deal with weather, agriculture and building utility applications on a daily basis. This composition makes us one of the few to be able to fully, that is: correctly, efficiently and functionally utilize the benefit of so many databases and sources serving them in real time.


We validate data sources at 3 forecast horizons.

[Frame 3642 (7).png]

Physical size

We examine which model performs best in forecasting a particular physical value, such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind direction and speed.

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Season of the year

We know that some data sources work better for particular seasons.

[Frame 3642 (9).png]


There are local models that work better in the mountains or lowlands.

[Frame 3642 (10).png]
We are already working on more tools that will bring Meteotrack to the next level

We are working on expanding ...

… the ability to forecast the best conditions for agricultural treatments and show the current state of the field based on satellite, radar and measurement data based on a proprietary sensor system.

Work has begun and is on our roadmap.


Avoid crop losses and increase your yields with effective weather forecasts and weather window recommendations. MeteoTrack Agro has the best data sources - including directly from your field!


Phone: +48 664 453 018

Mail: office@getmeteotrack.com

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